41 Stories To Learn About Agriculture

27 Jul 2023

Let's learn about Agriculture via these 41 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.

1. Computers on the Farm

A computer can be very useful when repetitive analyses are needed or when data storage is important, as with financial records or daily milk output per cow.

2. An App that Identifies Pests and Plant Diseases on the Go

Agrio is an artificial intelligence-based precision agriculture solution that helps crop advisors, farmers, and gardeners remotely monitor, identify, and treat

3. This founder would be a farmer if he weren't building his startup

Prakshep Private Limited was nominated as one of the best startup in Bengaluru in Startups of the Year hosted by HackerNoon.

4. What a Computer Can Do for You - Farm Management Analysis

A good place to start is by analyzing data already stored in the computer or available in the files.

5. What a Computer Can Do for You - Process Controllers

Besides analyzing farm management problems and storing data, computers have another key use—as process controllers.

6. Agrotech: Making Agriculture Easier for Workers

Agriculture and technology go hand in hand to reduce the workload on agricultural workers, improve crop yield and meet the food demands of the world population.

7. What a Computer Can Do for You - Telecommunications

With the computer hooked up to the telephone, you can get information quickly, receive it visually, and record it in detail if you wish.

8. What a Computer Can Do for You - Recordkeeping

A good place to start is with farm records.

9. Strategies for Getting Into Computers

One way is to first buy the basic hardware and components you think you need, and then add memory and other components later

10. Turkish‌ ‌Farmer‌ ‌Uses ‌Virtual‌ ‌Reality‌ ‌for Healthier ‌Milk‌ Production ‌

A Russian farmer, Izzet Koçak, uses VR on cows to increase milk production and health and a Turkish farmer has followed suit.

11. Computers on the Farm: Purpose of This Bulletin

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, Purpose of This Bulletin by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

12. How to Select Software - Checklist for Evaluating Software

Some software programs may come to you with bugs (errors) in them.

13. Information available From Your County Extension Agent

The county Extension staff can tell you what is available online in your area that is tailored to your kind of farming and your region.

14. Alternatives to Buying a Microcomputer

A programmable calculator may be an appropriate tool that is much less costly then a microcomputer.

15. Obvious And Very Important Things Computers Can Do For Farmers

Determine the most economical feed ration for dairy cows and other farm animals.

16. How to Determine the Relative Smartness Level of a City

To determine the relative smartness level of a city, there are several indicators that have been defined to arrive as such a number. These indicators, among many others, are:

17. Sustainable Agriculture, Space Colonization, And Food Security Challenges

As humans colonize space, advances in key agricultural technologies are key to achieving long term survivability and also help Earth at the same time.

18. How to Choose a Microcomputer System

Many computer experts strongly recommend against buying a computer first and then shopping for the software packages.

19. Computers on the Farm: Try it Out

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

20. High Technology Changes To Agriculture Companies: 2020 Edition

It's no secret that development in technology will continue to revolutionize every sector in the upcoming years. In 2020, there are so many advanced technologies that have been developed to make farmers' work easier and hassle-free.

21. How to Select Hardware - Types of Hardware

The modem turns the computer from an information processor and storage machine into a piece of communications equipment.

22. How to Select Software - Where to Look for Good Software

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

23. What a Computer Can Do for You - Other Uses

Other Uses

24. How to Select Software - Compatibility Counts

Not all hardware and software are compatible.

25. How Big Data Can Help Build Biotech Products

New methods and discoveries, such as next-generation genome sequencing, generate vast amounts of data and transform the scientific landscape.

26. US Online Services For Farmers

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

27. Computers on the Farm by Deborah Takiff Smith - Table of Links

Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. Read this book online for free on HackerNoon!

28. How to Select Hardware - Where to Look for Good Hardware

A reliable dealer who handles several brands can help you make this decision.

29. How Agtech and Blockchain Could Invigorate Africa’s Startup Ecosystem

The utilization of agtech and blockchain as dual catalysts for growth in the African startup ecosystem will help invigorate African economies.

30. Scientists Have Grown Plants in Lunar Soil for the First Time

In this slogging thread, the space channel community discussed the new discovery about the moon and the possibilities it can bring to space exploration.

31. Is it Possible to Create a Decentralized Internet? This Startup, and its "Farmers" Think So.

The internet is now almost entirely centralized.

32. More About Computers on the Farm

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

33. Computers on the Farm: Components of a Microcomputer

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

34. Computers on the Farm: Computers Need an Investment in Time and Money

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

35. How we created an agriculture solution for solving food problems

Gurtam released Hecterra, a product for agribusiness. It helps to monitor the accuracy of field work and driver performance.

36. How to Select Hardware - Checklist for Evaluating Hardware

Some agricultural programs use 48K or 64K of memory.

37. Should We Gene-Edit Our Fruits and Vegetables?

In this slogging thread, our community discussed the benefits of gene editing, and how it is different from GMOs.

38. With AI, You Can Count 1000+ Sunflower Seeds In Seconds

In this post I will explain how we use artificial intelligence to count sunflower seeds on a photo taken with a mobile device.

39. Computers on the Farm: Glossary of Computer Terms

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm Glossary of Computer Terms, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

40. All You Need is AI in Agriculture

Modern-day farming gets smarter by the day: a symbiosis of cows and drones has never felt so natural and necessary.

41. Computers on the Farm: Information available Online From USDA, State, and Private Sources

USDA Farmers' Bulletin No. 2277: Computers on the Farm, by Deborah Takiff Smith is part of HackerNoon’s Book Blog Post series.

Thank you for checking out the 41 most read stories about Agriculture on HackerNoon.

Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.